Official Journals(The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Pediatric Blood & Cancer)
Created date:February 15th, 2018
The members have rights to access to the Japanese Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology through J-STAGE.
Membership number and password are required.
The password is provided by the JSPHO secretary’s office upon request.

Author guideline
The first and corresponding authors of manuscripts submitted have to be the members of JSPHO.
This regulation does not apply to the authors of review articles requested by the JJPHO editorial board or those with approval from the editorial board.
If a non-physician author without JSPHO membership submits his/her article as the first author, he/she is required to have a recommendation by a regular member of JSPHO.
The authors must submit their articles with declaration forms on copyright, duplicate publication and conflict of interest, which are signed by all the authors. The authors can download the forms via
Manuscripts should be in adherence to the principles of JSPHO.
Note that submission implies that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium.
Manuscript categories are review article, original article, case report, short communication, letters to the editor, and others. Review articles include contributions from JSPHO members as well as requests from the editor.
The editorial board has a right to decide the categories of submitted manuscripts.
Manuscripts should be written in Japanese or English. English articles should be proofread by native English speakers.
The copyrights of articles published in JJPHO belong to JSPHO.
1.Review articles
Page limit: Less than 15 pages of A4 paper, Less than 10 pages of A4 paper for tables and figures.
2.Original articles
Page limit: Less than 12 pages of A4 paper, Less than 10 pages of A4 paper for tables and figures.
3.Case reports
Page limit: Less than 8 pages of A4 paper, Less than 5 pages of A4 paper for tables and figures.
4.Letters to the editor
Word limit: 1,000 words maximum, to be attached less than 5 references or one table/figure. Title, abstract, key words and running title written in English are not requested in Letters to the editor.
Pages for title, text, Japanese abstract, English abstract and references should be counted in the number indicated above.
Authors are recommended to use A4 paper and to write with 12-point characters and sufficient interlinear space. In Japanese articles, a total of 800 characters (32x25) should be written on an A4 page with at least 30 mm of margins in the top, bottom, right and left.
Following parts should be sequentially ordered; title, authors, affiliations, key words, Japanese abstract, English abstract, text, and references.
Title page
The title page should contain:
- Title
- Full names of the authors
- Author’s affiliated institutions
- A short running title
- The full postal and email addresses, and the telephone number of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript should be sent.
In Japanese articles, title, authors’ names and affiliations translated into English should be added. Key words less than five words should be indicated in both Japanese and English. Key words should be described with small characters except for proper nouns. Running title is to be within 15 double-byte characters. If the author does not wish to indicate e-mail address on the publication, the author should state it explicitly on the page.
Abstracts of review and original articles should be concise, structured and of no more than 600 characters in Japanese and no more than 250 words in English. Those of case reports should be of no more than 400 characters in Japanese and no more than 150 words in English.
The authors of English manuscripts are requested to include a Japanese abstract in their manuscript.
For foreign authors, a Japanese abstract is not essential; however, the authors can put short introductory sentences in Japanese by a translator.
Main text
Numbering of the headings follow the order: I, 1, 1).
Characters in the text should follow Chinese characters designated for daily use and new kana orthography. Technical terms refer to Japan Medical Terminology of Nanzando. Names of places in foreign countries, person’s names, and uncommon terms should be presented as the original words. Words of foreign origin should be written according to katakana notation. Names of drugs are shown using the common names in English or Japanese-katakana. Brand names of drugs are shown with uppercase letters and scientific names/common names, with lowercase letters, e.g., Endoxan, cyclophosphamide.
Units of measurement should be expressed in the Systeme International d'Unites (SI) (m, cm, mm, μm, L, mL, μL, g, mg, μg, etc.). For uncommon tests, normal ranges or standard values should be indicated. Abbreviations that are not common should not be used. Mainly, the title should be described without using abbreviations, e.g., DFS → disease-free survival, CMN → congenital mesoblastic nephroma.
If the content of the article was presented at an academic meeting, it should be specified at the end of the text.
COI declaration
Authors submitting articles are requested to submit the declarations of COI (original or PDF) from all authors according to the guideline of COI provided by JSPHO.
The format is available at
References follow the Vancouver style, i.e., numbered sequentially as they occurred in the text and ordered numerically in the reference list.
(Standard journal article)
Authors’ name, Title. Journal Volume: Pages, Year.
Evans AE, D’Angio GL, Propert K, et al. Prognostic factors in neuroblastoma. Cancer 59:1853–1859, 1987.
Authors’ name, Book, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, Year, Pages.
日本病理学会小児腫瘍組織分類委員会編:小児腫瘍組織カラーアトラス, 第5巻 金原出版 東京 2010, 3-30.
(Chapter in a book)
Authors’ name, Title, Book, The first editor, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, Year, Pages.
奈良間美保:小児看護の目指すところ.小児看護学概論・小児臨床看護総論,奈良間美保, 他 12版 医学書院 東京 2012,4-8.
- Abstracts presented at academic meetings should be clearly identified by putting (abstract) at the end of the citation.
- In the reference list, cite the names of all authors when there are three or fewer; when four or more, list the first three followed by et al.
- In English articles, the first letter of the title and proper nouns should be uppercase.
- Names of journals should be abbreviated according to Index Medix or Igaku Chuo Zasshi.
- Electronic materials can be sited. In such a case, indicate the URL and date cited. If reviewers judge that electronic materials sited are inadequate, the author may be requested to delete the citation from the list.
Figure, Photo, and Table
- Figures should be high-quality images adequate for printing.
- All figures, photographs, and tables should be included on separate pages with indicating top and bottom. Each figure or table should be supplied as a separate file. All illustrations (line drawings and photographs) are classified as figures. Figures and tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals such as Figure 1 and Table 1 and cited in consecutive order in the text.
- Authors must indicate where figures and tables may be inserted using red letters at the right margin at the end of the text.
- Figure legends should be incorporated into the manuscript text, not in the figures, in consecutive order. Explanations of tables should be included on a separate page. Tables should be accompanied by short titles at the top. Explanatory information should be placed in footnotes below the tabular material and not included in the title.
- Magnification of photographs such as electronic microscope findings should be indicated with scale bars, not displayed as x1,000 which could be changed in size with reduced printing.
- Figures and photographs are not returned to the authors unless there are special circumstances.
Editorial review and acceptance
All articles sent for review are evaluated by at least two expert reviewers assigned by the Editor. Acceptance decisions are made by the Editor-in-chief.
Author’s expense
Charges for excess pages: the final copy of an article should be less than 10 pages in review articles, less than seven pages in original articles, less than five pages in case reports, and less than one page in letters to the editor. If the number of pages exceed the number indicated above, the authors must pay 10,000 Japanese Yen for first excess page and 5,000 Japanese Yen for pages after the second excess page.
- For color printing, authors are not charged additional fees.
- Authors can request reprints in quantities of 50. The charge is shown in the below table.
Printed pages | 3~4 | 5~6 | 7~8 | 9~10 | 11~12 | 13~14 | 15~16 |
50 copies | 18,500 | 21,500 | 24,500 | 27,500 | 30,500 | 33,500 | 36,500 |
100 copies | 19,000 | 22,000 | 25,000 | 28,000 | 31,000 | 34,000 | 37,000 |
150 copies | 19,500 | 22,500 | 25,500 | 28,500 | 31,500 | 34,500 | 37,500 |
200 copies | 22,000 | 25,000 | 28,000 | 31,000 | 34,000 | 37,000 | 40,000 |
250 copies | 24,000 | 28,000 | 29,000 | 33,000 | 37,000 | 41,000 | 45,000 |
300 copies | 25,000 | 29,000 | 33,000 | 37,000 | 41,000 | 45,000 | 49,000 |
The amount is subject to change without any notice according to the fluctuation of printing costs.
Proofreading by authors
Proofs will be sent to the first author or another author, if indicated. Authors are requested to do proofreading once to check any misprinting. Any change, except for misprinting, is not accepted. The proofs must be sent back within one week. If it is delayed, the proofreading completed by the editorial office is the final.
Review period
Authors whose articles are revised will be notified requesting their responses at five months from the judgment of revision. If authors do not send the revised articles by six months after the judgment, the articles are regarded as being withdrawn and will be treated as newly submitted articles, if re-submitted.
If authors withdraw their articles after acceptance, they must bear costs incurred through the publication process.
Article submission
Manuscripts should be submitted by either electronic media or e-mail to the editorial office.
1. Submission with electronic media
Authors can submit their manuscripts using electronic media such as CD-R.
The general instructions listed below must be followed.
- Data not related to the submitted manuscript should not be slipped in CD-R.
- Microsoft Word for Windows or Mac format is recommended for document data.
- JPEG file should be used for image data.
- File format, OS, and software should be specified if another format is used.
- Main text, references, figures, and tables should be filed separately. An easily accessible name should be given to each file. A file list showing OS and software used should also be provided.
- Figures or photos with layouts should be shown in PowerPoint or PDF files according to the layouts expected.
- Name, affiliated institution, and title of the manuscript should be indicated clearly on CD-R.
- Digit and alphabet should be half-width.
- In English sentences, a space between two words should be half-width.
- Electronic media submitted is not returned.
2. Submission through e-mail
Authors can submit their manuscripts through e-mail following the general instructions for submission shown above.
The file size of submission should be less than 5 MB. If it is more than 5 MB, submission should be made using electronic media.
The editorial office will reply to authors soon after receiving submitted manuscripts. Contact the editorial office if a notice of receipt is not received.
Covering letter
A cover letter should include name, postal address, phone number, FAX number, e-mail address, membership numbers of the first and corresponding authors, file list, and declaration of no duplicate submission.
JJSPHO Editorial office
The Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
c/o Nakanishi Printing
Ogawahigashiiru Shimodatiuridori Kamigyouku, Kyoto-shi, 602-8048
phone: 075-441-3155
FAX: 075-417-2050
Pediatric Blood & Cancer
Pediatric Blood & Cancer has been an official journal of JSPHO since 2016.
The impact factor was 2.513 in 2016.
The JSPHO member can subscribe to the journal at the cost of 3,000 Japanese Yen per year. Please contact the JSPHO secretary’s office to subscribe the journal.